COST Action


The poster session is scheduled at 17:00 on Wednesday, August 31th.

It will be highly appreciated if you decide to present a poster during the school! This is a great oportunity to attract attention on your work as an ECI/WR/Student and to get valuable feedback from trainers and your colleagues as well.

Posters should have paper format A0 with a Portrait orientation.

Please do not exceed the poster Panel dimensions if your paper format is different than A0. The poster panel clear dimensions are:
900 mm width x 1550 mm height maximum!

Adhesive tapes will be provided by the Organizer before the poster session.

Authors shall remove their posters from the panels after the poster session. The Organizer is allowed to discard all posters left on the panels after this period.


Jose Joaquin Velázquez Garcia,
Oxyfluoride glass-ceramics: Relationship between the processing, structure and optical properties for its use in optical fibers

Thi Ngoc Lam Tran,
SiO2-SnO2 glass-ceramics for photonics

Tobias Baselt,
Supercontinuum generation in an Yb3+ doped amplifier

Tomas Nemecek,
Precise Chromatic Dispersion Measurement of Photonic Crystal Fibers for MIR Laser Applications

Héctor Muñoz-Marco,
Short-and Long-Term Highly Stable 1GHz Fiber Laser Comb

Viorel Otgon,
Arbitrary Filtering Module Applied to a Supercontinuum Fiber Laser

Laura Mihai,
Infrastructure for MIR lasers characterization

Ivan Petryshynets,
Effect of Laser Scribing on Magnetic Properties of Conventional GO Silicon Steels

Svetlana Korsakova,
Evanescent wave analysis of a multimode chalcogenide fiber immersed into an aqueous acetone solution

Scurria Giuseppe,
Investigation on 2 µm fiber laser pumped supercontinuum generation in non-linear mid-IR fibers

Marijus Mickus,
Characterization of ultrashort pulse Yb-doped fiber generator based on nonlinear spectral re-shaping

Maria Pawliszewska,
Ultrafast Ho-doped fiber laser based on graphene saturable absorber

Filippo Micheletti,
Electromagnetic Guided In-Situ Laser Fenestration of Endovascular Stent-Graf

Christopher Taudt,
High-resolution material and surface topography characterisation by a modified low-coherence interferometer

Bryan Nelsen,
Flexure-induced mode coupling in few-mode and evanescently coupled optical fiber

Jakub Boguslawski,
Antimony telluride saturable absorber for passive harmonic mode-locking of all-polarization-maintaining fiber laser

Naresh Kumar Thipparapu,
Progress towards the development of Bi-doped optical fibers for lasers and amplifiers


Pavel Peterka,
Self-induced laser line sweeping in fiber lasers

Pavel Koška,
Optimized mode-field adapter for low-loss fused fiber bundle signal and pump combiners

Pavel Koška,
Enhanced pump absorption efficiency in coiled and twisted doubleclad thulium-doped fibers

Yauhen Baravets,
High-power thulium-doped fiber lasers

Shyamal Mondal,
SESAM Modelocked Fiber Lasers

Ivo Barton,
Optical properties of As2S3 layers deposited from solutions

Jakub Cajzl,
Thulium doped fibers with enhanced fluorescence lifetime

In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us.